The Technical Assistance that IP Engenharia, in partnership with China Tiesiju Civil Engineering (CTCE), is developing for the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Mozambique (MTC), continues at a good pace, namely, with the support for the implementation of the Process Management System (SGP in portuguese) of the MTC.
The Technical Assistance that IP Engenharia, in partnership with China Tiesiju Civil Engineering (CTCE), is developing for the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Mozambique (MTC), continues at a good pace, namely, with the support for the implementation of the Process Management System (SGP in portuguese) of the MTC.
The MTC's SGP is an innovative and pioneering project in the sector and within the public administration of Mozambique, which will improve the general functioning of the institution, through the systematization of activities, organizing them into processes, procedures and practices, reducing complexity, bureaucracy, analysis and decision time, while optimizing the resources involved. This is relevant for the quality of life of Mozambicans, given the important role that infrastructure and transport play in the economy.
Despite the effect caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, which ended up determining the partial reconfiguration of the program and of the work methodology that had been followed by this Technical Assistance (TA), the reinforcement of work meetings via virtual means allowed that the actions foreseen in the work programme could be concluded, something which the Mozambican party noted with satisfaction.
As main recent actions, we highlight the clarifcation of the MTC's attributions, in a participatory process, which proved to be very fruitful, and which resulted in a "Proposal for the Improvement of the Internal Regulation of MTC", as well as the realization of a "Training Session in Management by Processes" , in which all the Directors of the MTC and some Managers of Entities Overseen by this Ministry participated, namely, Ports and Railways of Mozambique (CFM) and the now designated National Institute of Road Transport (INATRO), in a total of more than four dozen participants.
Since this is a structuring project for the MTC, the Minister of Transport and Communications, Dr. Janfar Abdulai, has been keen to regularly receive the status of the work's development, emphasizing his gratitude for the work of the AT.